The MDC-1011A Classic Line Tricep/Dip Machine by Muscle D Fitness
The Classic Line by Muscle D Fitness features 14 selectorized stations that target every area of the body. The entire range is built around anatomically-correct motions with CAM pulleys that deliver ideal muscle resistance throughout each movement. Convergent motions accurately mirror the human body, ensuring muscles are correctly activated for maximum workout results.
These machines also offer an extended range of motion that includes both pre-stretch and contraction. This allows targeted muscles groups to be fully engagement which delivers a more effective and efficient exercise. Our Classic Line enables your members to get the most of their workouts so that they see results faster, and stay loyal for longer.
- Pressing handles flip for wide or narrow dips
- Adjustable, pneumatic height adjustment for more range of tricep presses
- Angled back pad locks the user into place
- 180 lb solid steel, precision weight stack
- 120 lb steel weight stack with a magnetic selector pin
- 64″ L 40″ W 60″ H, 390 lb
- 163 cm 102 cm 152 cm, 177 kg
>>Click Here to View the entire Muscle D Fitness Classic Line
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